Grow Your Own Way: Virtual Fireside Chat
An expert discussion about emotional support, caregivers, side-effects, starting support programs, and more!
Time Stamps (& links to references): (:15) Joe on Man Up to Cancer and (1:30) statistics and Jack’s Caregiver Coalition, a resource for male caregivers. (3:38) Dr. Smith on how support helps caregivers too. (5:05) Darryl on the (potential) value of groups for emotional support. (8:42) Joe and Darryl on the value of online/“anonymous” emotional support. The Howling Place. (13:23) Pastor Paul on the importance of being listened to and heard. (15:53) Urology discussion with Drs. Tan and Wallen on less invasive pre and post tools and techniques for reducing incontinence (& possibly erectile dysfunction). More on treatment preparation and side-effect recovery. (21:30) Joe, Louie, Darryl, and Pastor Paul on the diversity of emotional experience. Malecare (prostate cancer groups) and (colorectal cancer groups). (34:45) Drs. Smith and Wallen and Darryl on treatment regret (and how to avoid it). PHEN resources: phenpath, phenTV, daddysboys, phenchurch, and (coming soon). (48:50) Pastor Paul on a crisis of faith and feeling heard. (53:03) Dr. Smith on clinical trials and standard of care vs. what the future holds/cutting edge treatment. phentrials. (54:13) Phil, Joe, and Darryl on starting and/or leading a support program.
Mechanics of Survivorship Physician Panelists
Male Cancers: Additional Support Resources
For men with cancer:
- Living With Cancer: Men With Cancer Support Group - a highly structured 8 week program facilitated by an Oncology Social Worker.
- MaleCare - offers a variety of groups for men with specific circumstances that may not be actively relatable in a more generalized setting.
- Man Up to Cancer: The Howling Place - best described as a brotherhood of men with cancer, this program also features an annual retreat, The Gathering of Wolves.
- Reel Recovery - fishing retreats for men with cancer!
- Our homepage features a listing of all known and active prostate cancer support groups in North Carolina. If you know a prostate cancer support group in North Carolina that is missing from this listing, please email us their details!
- Us TOO support groups - a large international network of prostate cancer support groups. Many are more educational in nature, but each has its own character.
- Testicular Cancer Society: Support for Fighters - a variety of support programs for men with testicular cancer.
- Testicular Cancer Foundation - virtual support groups for men with testicular cancer.
- Raleigh Testicular Cancer Foundation: Patient Support Program - personalized need-based support for men with testicular cancer.
Side-effect recovery options for discussion.
Other resources:
- Patient Advocate Foundation: This resource can help with navigating the financial complexities involved with paying for care.
- Imerman Angels: Provides one-on-one peer support to cancer survivors.
- These studies might contribute to the advancement of better patient care.
- Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF): financial resource list (some not specific to prostate cancer).
- Testicular Cancer Foundation (TCF): financial resource list (some not specific to testicular cancer).
Bonus Videos
A peek into the world of Man Up To Cancer.
A humorous (but touching) illustration of the importance of intimacy for some couples.
This information is for educational purposes only to help patients and caregivers understand some of the resources available for supportive care and possibly discuss appropriate support resources with their care team. This information should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation for any particular group or other resource, but as educational only.